
The University of Santiago de Chile has eight faculties which, together with the School of Architecture and the Degree Program, offer a full range of undergraduate and postgraduate study programs with extensive accreditation, cutting-edge research, excellent academics, and national and international university mobility agreements.







Faculty of Engineering


The origins of the Faculty of Engineering date back to 1849, when the School of Arts and Crafts (EAO) was born amid Chile’s modernization process. In 1972, it was formally created by the merger of the School of Arts and Crafts (1849) and the School of Industrial Engineers (1940), thus continuing a century of work in forming engineers of excellence, who have contributed decisively to national development. At present, it is the oldest and largest academic unit of the Universidad de Santiago de Chile, with a student population of about eight thousand students in total, which makes it also the largest in the country.

Check the Faculty of Engineering site